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Sponsor Benefits:

BVF offers a unique opportunity for vendors and sponsors to connect with a conscious and rapidly growing demographic – chefs and food connoisseurs exploring a healthier, vegan-friendly lifestyle. By supporting this event, you’ll be aligning your brand with a positive and impactful movement that celebrates Black culture, responsible self-care and healthier living, and environmental consciousness to reach a diverse audience eager to connect with brands that share their values.

We offer a range of Sponsorship Levels to suit your budget and marketing goals. Each level provides extensive benefits to ensure maximum exposure and direct engagement.

Direct Engagement

Connect with trendsetters and the #1 consumers in the food market.


Brand Recognition
  • Position brand as a leader in sustainability, equity, and social justice. We offer custom support for custom merchandise and promotions.
Special Promotions
  • Gift cards and special discount placement.
Additional Sponsor Benefits
Target Audience
  • Increase brand awareness, product placement, and loyalty. A large portion of our marketing efforts are centered around North Florida and South Georgia.
Speaker Opt
  • Offer a demonstration or join our panel for informative discussions about vegan cooking, nutrition, gardening, and the benefits of a healthy resilient lifestyle.

sponsorship rates

sponsorship rates

sponsorship rates

sponsorship rates

sponsorship rates


Recognition on our website and social media platforms, logo placement on promotional materials.

$500 - $1,000


Bronze + a vendor booth to showcase your products or services. Promo materials in swag bags.

$1,500 - $2,500


Silver + logo on T-Shirts and Banner with option to speak for a few minutes.

$3,000 - 5,000


Gold + prominent logo placement on all event materials and signage, media mentions, and exclusive sponsorship opportunities.

$5,000 +

Donations Welcome!

Please donate to our Cause for Food Sustainability. We accept donations for lumber, porta potties, jump houses, gift cards, water bottles, etc.

A fun filled day with live music performances infused with healing vibes that celebrate the culture of veganism.


Have you heard about the vegan soul food cook-off and dessert competition?

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